Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Descension

The big day has arrived. This is the official start to the 73rd Sturgis Rally. By witnessing the hundreds of bikes I have already seen coming through the Hills, I would have guessed that it started 3 days ago.
The tent/RV camping areas are full. Instead of an alarm clock or rooster there is a resident donkey that wooed us to sleep last night and joyfully woke us up bright and early this morning. 
The day begins with fog over this valley. Today's weather reports claims it will be 83 and partly cloudy.
I met some nice folks last night. They rent the cabin next to where my canopy is and have done so for the last 10 years. The group consists of professional men from all over the country that pilgrimage every year to ride these fabulous hills. There was Bob from Denver. He was the first person I met from the group. Just as I was questioning my choice to be out here and make some money, basically reaffirming my faith with a tear and a conversation with The Big Guy, Bob asked about my services and said he and the guys would love treatments as they had just walked all through Sturgis. Typically ,the majority of people don't have the first clue about Reflexology. They assume that it will mean a massage of some sort. After dashing their hopes for being rubbed on their shoulders and backs I was afraid that my date with the cabin of men was not going to happen. Standing looking at the ridge, having a little pity party, which is rare for me, continuing my conversation and trying to have faith Bob said he was willing to give it a try. So as a guinea pig for the group, I knew I had to give Bob my best. After Bob's session one by one each of the guys came over for a session and we now have 5 converts who totally love Reflexology and plan on looking for it where they live. Tom lives in Rochester New York, Bob's brother, Burney?, hails from North Carolina, and the hot brunette also hailed from Denver. I asked what he did and he told me he was a management consultant. I asked him what that meant as I have never really understood that title. He said he managed the group of people that run the FBI. I would have guessed that this guy was anything but an executive, but there is a reason not to judge. We discussed the fact that he was left brained and I thanked him for being open enough to try my service. Each man only ordered short sessions and each man ended up going at least 15 minutes extra. 
So there is hope for the week. I have acquired a couple locals that plan on seeing me every 3 days while I am here. I have to make this work as the promised position in the restaurant did not come through.
The best part about being up front of the ranch is the view of the riders running up and down Nemo Rd. between Rapid City, Deadwood and Sturgis. There is a strong possibility that I will witness nearly every rider of the expected 300,000 that come to South Dakota for the rally. Talk about sensory overload for a girl that prefers peace and quiet!!
This are the pics from yesterday's masses.

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